If you are webmaster and using Linux or Mac OS, you should know the IE NetRenderer service. It allows you to get instantaneously a screenshot of a webpage made with IE5.5, IE6, IE7 or even a mix of IE6/IE7 or the differences between these two versions of that browser. For free, of course.

I made a small extension to access easily to this handy tool. Its name? IE NetRenderer. Isn't it great?

You can try the latest version. Here is what you get:

  • Three buttons to render the page in IE5.5/6/7, to add to your toolbar, with a right-click on it, then Customize... and simply drag'n'drop the button you want, wherever you want..
    Capture des boutons proposés
  • Three keybord shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+F5, Ctrl+Shift+F6, Ctrl+shift+F7, for IE5.5/6/7 (replace Ctrl by Cmd if using Mac OS)
  • A submenu in Tools menu and context menu, allowing easy access to the five rendering modes.
    Capture du menu de l'extension dans le menu contextuel

If you've got an account on Mozilla Addons, please leave a review on the extension page (in the sandbox), so that it can go to the public area faster.

The extension is already available in English, French, Japanese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Polish, thanks to BabelZilla translators. Thanks also to Martin from Geotek for IE NetRenderer; if you like this tool too, feel free to make him a donation: http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/index.php.